Monday, May 11, 2009

Official Opening

Okay, talked it over with my partner and she said that our official opening
would be around June. (:

Since our services are limited to friends and to our locals,
we will charge the services.

'Sall for now.

Monday, May 4, 2009


To be fair to our "customers", let us show you some of our products. These are all yet but small and simple things we do in our Adobe Photoshop. We hope you'll be interested.

~By: Kyra

Avatar (Horizontal):

(Adobe ImageReady version - undecided if part of the service)
~By: Kyra

Avatar (Lengthwise):

~By: Kyra

Wallpapers (resized):

~By: Kyra

My partner, Mika Rulona, will soon update hers. (:
We hope you liked the preview.


For now, GheyLove: PS SHOP is currently not officialy open (privately or publicly).

We have decided to take a few days (or maybe even hours) off to give ourselves time to enhance our site so that everyone would be interested in our services.

We hope that you will support us in the near future!

How It All Started

First and foremost, we'd like to share with you guys how everything started for the GheyLove group.

Local business, Delagice Inc., have started to open their business and share it with our locals in Davao City, Philippines. They're a business that gives anything off for a small price of a peso or less (5-10 php for cd burns). They also agree on bargains.

Back to the topic, their business had caught the attention of 2 people from the same city (and school) and decided to make their own business, the GheyLove.

Warning: Delagice Inc. has only inspired the birth of this business. There was no plagerism involved. If you think we did copy from the said group, please ask them yourselves @ Delagice Inc.

The name of the group was decided by both of the owners, Mika Rulona and Kyra Madrazo.

Etymology of the name: "Ghey" or Gay emphasizes to a male's sexuality turning to a woman. "Love" is literally the emotion that one often feels (okay this was hard to explain since I don't know the 'real meaning of love' - we all have our perspectives).

The name GheyLove didn't literally mean Gay Love. Actually, there's a story to it.

Both the group owners have certain friends of girls that had built up their own "family" (yes, yes, the family that consists of a mommy, daddy, sister and brother). The two group owners of GheyLove were assigned to be "sister and brother" in the said "family". Since none of them was male, one of them willingly volunteered to be the "brother". And trying to avoid the word 'lesbo', since both were actual female and were unsure if they should be called that way, used the word 'gay' as teasing words to each other. None of them were offended since both knew that this was just a tease.

As the words were jumbled, both had soon come up with the words, "Ghey Love" and thus the name of the said group.

And that was where everything began for them.

Warning: If anyone was insulted or disgusted with the language used in the post, we ask for your apology since this is really how we made our group name.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us @